Calendar of Events

Jan. 1 - May 23 2025: Online Youth Art Submissions

Jan. 11 - Mar. 29, 2025: The First Artists of Central Pennsylvania, Romberger Gallery

Feb. 1 - April 20, 2025: The Photography of Jessica Bock-Páez , Olewine Gallery

April 2: Pre-K Storytime at the Center, 10:30 AM

April 5: Christina Bias Reception, 1 - 4 PM

April 5 - June 30, 2025: The Art of Christina Bias, Romberger Gallery

April 11: Berry Mountain Benefit @ River Bend Venue, 5 - 9:30 PM (with special recognition of 2024 Visionaries at 4:30 PM)

April 19: Wildflower Walk, 10 AM - 12 PM

April 26: Spring Bird Walk, 7:30 AM - 12 PM

May 3: Spring Bird Walk, 7:30 AM - 12 PM

May 3 - July 19, 2025: The Art of Caitlin Gill, Olewine Gallery

May 3: Caitlin Gill Reception, 1 - 4 PM

May 17: Spring Clean Up Day, 10 AM - 12 PM

May 24: PA Regional Ballet – Encore Spring Gala Performance, 6:30 PM

June 7 : Philadelphia Freedom – A Tribute to Elton John, 7:30 PM

June 21: Nature & Arts Festival @ MYO Park, 10 AM - 4 PM

June 28: Fleetwood Macked – The Ultimate Tribute to Fleetwood Mac, 7:30 PM

July 12 - Sept. 27, 2025: Youth Art Contest Winners, Romberger Gallery

July 19: Erich Cawalla & The Uptown Band, 7:30 PM

Aug. 2: Lez Zeppelin, 7:30 PM

Aug. 2 - Nov. 1, 2025: The Photography of Melissa Penley Cormier, Olewine Gallery

Aug. 2: Melissa Penley Cormier Reception, 1 - 4 PM

Aug. 8: Gamut Theatre's Shakespeare in the Woods – Student
Production of Much Ado About Nothing, 6:30 PM

Aug. 22: Ted Lick Memorial Clay Shoot @ Blue Ridge Sporstman Club, 8 AM - 3 PM

Sept. 6: Real Diamond – The Premier Neil Diamond Tribute Band, 7:30 PM

Sept. 20: Tröegs Rugged 5k Trail Run, 5 PM

Sept. 22: Equinox Night Walk, 6:30 - 7:30 PM

Sept. 27: Fungi Foray, 9 AM - 12 PM

Oct. 1 - 31: Fall Scavenger Hunt

Oct. 4 - Dec. 27, 2025: Mark Muhich – Turtles of PA, Romberger Gallery

Oct. 5 - 19: Online Nature & Wildlife Art Auction

Oct. 18: Saw-whet Owl Banding Program, 6 - 9 PM

Oct. 18: Fall Hike, 10 AM - 12 PM

Oct. 25: Pawtoberfest, 10 AM - 12 PM

Nov. 8: Fall Hike, 10 AM - 12 PM

Nov. 15 - Jan. 10, 2026: Cryptids of PA and the Appalachian Trail, Olewine Gallery

Dec. 6: Wreath Making Workshops, 9 - 11:30 AM or 12:30 - 2 PM